Characteristics of Video
our tribute video, we would like to show a few characteristic that usually will
found in French Impressionism. The first characteristic of our video is to show
the art of French Impressionism. For example the shot on Rossie wake up in the
small unfurnished dark room to show she feels apprehensive toward the
environment and also the shot of Rossie flashback, she knocked a stranger walked
pass by her and peeps on her when she was going to meet her friends.
were some scenes in black and white effect, the purpose of this is to show there
was a direct interaction between Rossie and kidnapper or they met face to face.
For example, we can see the scene in the small room was in black and white where
the kidnapper came in the room and Rossie looked at him eyes to eyes.
that, we also use the characteristic of psychological exploration. To show this
characteristic, we use a hand held camera movement to show the frightened
feeling of Rossie and also we took the point of view of Rossie to show she woke
up in the small dark room. Moreover, we use psychological exploration at the
end of the video that is Rossie was starring on the light to show she wanted to
escape from the sexual abuse. The light is a hope and it is near to her, but
yet she still unable to touch it.
is a function to tell the character’s feelings. It can be defined as putting
two or more images overlap in order to create a double exposure effect. For
example, we used a rose to overlap with the flashback of Rossie to create
superimposition. The rose had been metaphorically as the woman value. At the
end, the rose had been destroyed and this symbolized that Rossie life was spoiled
and not virginity anymore.
in editing part, we create the editing style that followed the rhythm of the
background music to create the mood of the film. There are two scenes that we
use POV cutting and that will be when Rossie awake from the fainted to show
that she was all the way alone in the room at that time. Another scene will be
the kidnapper was tracking Rossie to show that the kidnapper have a motive to
through mise-en-scene we are creating an unsecure, darkness, loss reputation and
intangible toward Rossie in an unfurnished small dark room. The unfurnished
small dark room had been set up being this is because there is no method to
escape from the kidnapper. Meaning there is no sign of hope to dodge from being
abused by the kidnapper. The room’s walls covered with black paper to create
fairness, worry, frighten every negative aspect can be shown in character
expression. Here is an example of showing negativity, we play a lot of lighting,
especially low key lighting and shadow because these 2 elements can describe
fairness in many ways. Shadow can indicate something is walking toward you, but
it brings harm to you indirectly.
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