Saturday, August 16, 2014

Characteristics of French Impressionism Films


The French Impressionist movement (1919-1929) was developed by a new generation of filmmakers who sought to explore the cinema as an art. They saw art as a form of expression conveying the personal vision of the artist. In Happy Together (Wong Kar-Wai, 1997), the shot of Iguazu Waterfall (2.1) appeared twice in the movie, one is the beginning of the movie and another one is at the ending part. Iguazu is a sign of urban people’s dreamscape, magical in a sense that the beauty of nature can reunite the people’s broken spirit; in this case, heal Lai Yiu-Fai and Ho Po-Wing’s sick relationship. Art also helps to build the experiences and lead to the emotions. Art creates an impression and feeling, but not by fact, is through suggestion and evoke. For example, we see Ho Po-Wing alone in Lai Yiu-Fai’s old apartment, crying and trying to arrange cigarette packages as reminders of Lai Yiu-Fai’s affection (2.2). 



Flashback and Fantasy

The interest of French Impressionist not on external physical behavior, but on inner action. Impressionist film manipulates plot time and subjectivity through flashbacks. It is very common, and sometimes it might be a series of flashbacks in a film. In Happy Together (Wong Kar-Wai, 1997), the beginning part of the film from the bed scene (2.3) until lost at highway while on the way to Iguazu Waterfall (2.4) are the flashbacks of Lai Yiu-Fai explaining why they are in Argentina now.Yet, the exploration of psychological had been emphasized and causes to reveal of character’s mental states, dreams or fantasies. In La Souriante Madame Beudet (Germaine Dulac, 1923) consists almost entirely of the main character's fantasy life, her imaginary escape from a dull marriage, a dream is what she hoping for. While in Happy Together (Wong Kar-Wai, 1997),  there a scene that showing the Hong Kong city that upside down in order to emphasize that Hong Kong and Argentina are at two very different ends of the earth. This also show that Hong Kong and Argentina are so much different and is a big distance between these two countries. Fantasy world can be seen in Le Voyage Imaginaire (René Clair, 1926) as well. In the film, Herr Clair creates a dream world which plunges the audience into a universe full of fantasy. There are lady fortune tellers, fairies,  a man-eating door and even modern heroes such as "Charlot", not to mention the "Notre Dame" roofs and the museum "Grévin" as well.




Superimposition is when two or more images are placed over each other in the frame. This effect can be accomplished by exposing the same piece of film more than once as we see with double exposure effect. Superimposition may convey a character’s thought or memories. In La Roue, The smoke from a locomative superimposed with the image of Norma, representing the fantasy of the engine driver, who is in love with her. (2.5) While in Coeur Fidèle (Jean Epstein, 1923) the heroine looks out a window, and the foul jetsam of the waterfront superimposed with that image to convey her dejection at work as a barmaid in a dockside tavern. (2.6)



Slow Motion

The visual depiction of mental states in French Impressionist film through cinematography and editing. One of the cinematography is slow motion shot to focus on a significant element in a character’s subjectivity. For example, in Happy Together (Wong Kar-Wai, 1997),  when they are sharing the tinder of cigarette, the smoke flows slow. This indicates the moment of togetherness (2.7). In the movie, their relationship always come with an argument, so when there is a happy moment, they will hope the time goes slow so that they can fully utilize the time and appreciate it.


Camera movement

Besides that, camera movement also one of the aspects that very impactful in French Impressionist film, it can affect how the audiences feel the moment of the characters. The cinematographer of Happy Together (Wong Kar-Wai, 1997),  Christopher Doyle utilizes the shaky camera movement in the scene of  after Ho Po-Wing running after having a big argument with Lai Yiu-Fai in his room (2.8) .  This indicates he is not calm or anger, this is because usually human being get angry, their emotion and psychological status are unstable, so with a shaky shot can emphasizes it.While in the scene of Lai Yiu-Fai playing football with his colleagues (2.9) , the shaky camera movement emphasizes the excitement. When people in an excitement status, they are usually very high and energetic, using a smooth or slow camera movement cannot present the feeling of that moment.




The distortion element might use in a film to show the occurrence of an event or incident is not in an ordinary way. When a character in an Impressionist film gets drunk or dizzy, the filmmaker shows the experience through distorted or filtered shots or vertiginous camera movements. Normally, the Impressionists would shoot into a curved mirror to create a distortion effect such as in Eldorado (Howard Hawks, 1921) a man's tipsiness is conveyed by means of a curved mirror that stretches his body sideways (2.10). In La souriante Madame Beudet (Germaine Dulac, 1923), Dulac uses distortion  images to paint Beudet's various emotional states onscreen (2.11).




Filter in French Impressionist films is to show the mood of that moment, it can be colorful, black and white or even in a specific color. Mostly black and white indicates the character or that moment is sad or negative. For example, in Happy Together (Wong Kar-Wai, 1997),  the black and white indicating the sadness of both protagonists or mourning of them breaking up (2.12). During that moment, Lai Yiu-Fai's feeling is like the end of the world and he is losing hope and down, so he feels that the world is not in colorful mood in that moment. Moreover, Usually people present happy mood or positive mood with colorful because their world is full of hope and joy.The rich, saturated color scenes in Happy Together indicate happiness or they are back together (2.13). 




The framing of a shot can be seen as characters’ points of view or inner states. For the film Happy Together (Wong Kar-Wai, 1997), the whole movie is the point-of-view of Lai Yiu-Fai. We can hear that he is the narrative of the film and he is telling his own story from the beginning he broke up with Ho Po-Wing then they start over and over again until at last they are not getting back together anymore.

Rhythmic Editing

The Impressionists also experimented with pronounced rhythmic editing to suggest the pace of an experience as a character feels it, moment by moment. The rhythm accelerates and the shots getting shorter and shorter, building to a climax in order to unstable mental state. This also helps to influence the audience to be involved nervous environment of the scene. In the La Roue (Abel Gance, 1923), fast editing had been used in the scene of a train crash and a man's last thoughts before he falls from a cliff. Besides that, the playing with extreme fast-motion in Happy Together (Wong Kar-Wai, 1997),  to film Buenos Airies (2.14) and Taipei traffic (2.15) so that we feel the compressed, giddily accelerated pace of urban time.



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